
alraqi-tv - Version 1.3


(getButton) #text=(Subscribe @apkforever Telegram channel) #icon=(share) #color=(#ff000) #size=(2)


alraqi-tv - Version 1.3

Rating: 5 / 5

Installs: 500+

Release Date: 2024-11-22 08:18:31

alraqi-tv icon

* Features: Video, Audio, Live Streaming, VOD, IPTV Run several channels at once Putting a picture inside a picture Running in the background Public and private chat while watching Fast in-app video and IPTV player with high capabilities Possibility of choosing virtual video quality Multi-quality streaming support for single channel (SD, HD, FHD, 4K) Support multiple servers for one channel Choose the server automatically if one of the servers is not working Automatic live broadcast reconnection Choosing the audio track Play Audio Mode Only Possibility of creating and arranging a list of favorite channels Choose a channel to run with the start of the application Easy to use design Possibility of choosing channel view as a network or list Channels are organized into categories in addition to the channel logo Support downloading the properties of requests from the m3u file Quickly search for channels in playlists *Supported video sources: - MP4 (MPEG-4) - MOV (QuickTime Movie) - WMV (Windows Media Viewer) - AVI (Audio Video Interleave) - Flash video formats FLV, F4V & SWF (Shockwave Flash) - MKV - WEBM - MP3 - DASH - HLS - MPEG-TS - H.264 - M3U8 *Sources of supported playlist: - M3U - Xtream - FG *Supported Devices: Android Phones Android Tab tablets Android TV Android TV Box (Android TV Box) *Supported video streaming options: Miracast - Web Video Caster *Important Note: We do not offer any type of IPTV service such as IPTV subscriptions, broadcasts or channel codes. This application has no association with any third party provider at all. This application does not provide or include any media or content, and users must submit their content by providing FG codes, Xtream codes, or M3u file links. We do not support the use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder. Privacy Policy https://alraqi-tv.com/app/privacy/

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