
Ludo Master™ - Ludo Board Game - Version 3.23.5


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Ludo Master™ - Ludo Board Game - Version 3.23.5

Rating: 4.185185 / 5

Installs: 50,000,000+

Release Date: 2024-11-22 01:35:11

Ludo Master™ - Ludo Board Game icon

👶👦👧👨👩👴👵 Ludo Master™ is the ludo game played between friends and family. Play the dice game and be the ludo king! 🌟Features of Ludo Master.🌟 ★ Online/Private Multiplayer Modend Ludo Master™ is a cross platform multiplayer ludo game played between 2 to 6 players. You can play the ludu game with your friends and family, while also support offline mode, play with a computer. ★ Enjoyable but also challenging. The gameplay is simple at first and will become immensely challenging once you play with higher level players. ★ Simple rules and easy to play. - A token can start to move only if the dice rolled is a 6. - The token move clock-wise according to the number of rolled dice. - Knocking out other's token will give you an extra chance to roll the dice again. - All the tokens must reach the center of the board to win the game. ✔ Sounds interesting? Ready to join our ludo club? Collect all the special dice and become the Ludo Master! Enjoy the real fun of Ludo Master™!

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